Saturday, 30 November 2013

lunchtime visit to west rise produced a long-tailed duck (not so surprising given how many are about) and an adult caspian gull which basically looked like a big common gull in flight, brilliant.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Sunday, 24 November 2013

a firecrest in the garden first thing was a tick. 6 eider and 5 jack snipes at newhaven. good passage of gulls down the cuckmere, constant arrival of birds coming in off the sea from the south into the north wind, birds seen on the deck in the gbbg flock included 2 caspian (1st-w + 2nd-w), 2 yellow-legged and around 25 argies. 2 firecrests south of the golden galleon.

1st-w caspo

resembles washed out caspo but too much head streaking (burnt out in photo) and didn't see it stand up or anything

some argies

wonder if there's any glauc genes in there