Monday, 9 December 2013


above 3: first-winter caspian 
below: a different first-winter 

 above 2: adult caspian 
below: both first-winters 

above: left to right adult yellow-legged gull, two first-winter caspian and adult argie

cuckmere this evening. loads of gulls, majority of them flew out to sea but in the portion of the flock i did get a look at there were 3 caspian and 2 yellow-legged. lots more gulls came down the valley at dusk, must be a big day roost somewhere inland, only place i've seen them is a field near sherman bridge. the spoonbill came into roost at 4pm, down on the meanders after doing a complete loop of the valley and making sure it flushed all the remainder of the gulls off, bloody thing! i even went to tidemills to have a look this morning and found it asleep in a tree ffs.

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